Monday, October 19, 2009

Philosiphisationing about Love.....

I was thinkin about love and everything that has to do with everyone's lives. Thats really broad thinking so i decided to narrow it down to one question "What is Love?" so i could classify all my thoughts. People say they are in love and that they know what it means but i really needed to know what it is. Through extensive research i have discovered the following:
According to the dictionary, Love is defined as "any number of emotions and experiences relating to a sense of strong affection and attachment." From this we can see that love is not only the feeling you get when u r with ur partner but all the feelings u experience for things or persons u feel for...confusing?
So we venture into the scientific side of love where scientists state that specific chemical substances such as oxytocin have an important role in producing human behaviour associated with love...even more confusing? Basically what the scientists r sayin is that languages developed as mating calls for people to make love.
No more confusing crap for me.... m stickin to my definiton of love- Love is an addictive drug or substance- first one takes it, likes it for a certain period of time, it becomes harmful after a while, so the person quits that drug n looks for some other drug that can satisfy his addiction and it goes on...
A great frnd of mine also define a girlfriend or a boyfriend for me- He/She is someone who stands alongside you through difficulties that you wouldn't have to face if u were SINGLE!!!
So i am gonna conduct a research on love and let u guys kno what people think about it but till then i congratulate all the people who claim to have found true love and i am sympathetic to the people who claim to have found and lost true love.And to people who are single,like myself, i say wait for it , once the research is complete we'll kno what to look for and hopefully where to find true love...
P.S. Being single rocks 'til u find the right person....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


When You Are Old
When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
And bending down beside the glowing bars
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And his his face amid a crowd of stars.

W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)

Totti thinkin of comin back!!!

There we are!!Finally Italy's saviour is thinkin about comin back to save Italy the blushes!The 33 yr old Prince of Rome has said that he is considering a comeback to international football. Totti retired after helping Italy win the 2006 World Cup and his return would certainly would be great news for Italy...So lets just hope that the Prince comes back and cucchiaios every single keeper that has to face his might!!Go chip 'em Totti!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Home is where the heart is...

Back home!Waited for this for so long n now that i'm here i have nothin to do!Itz 12.24 am and m browsin the internet for absolutely nothin...I just searched for the indian villages that still speak sanskrit!!and to top it all m pissed off...And i just discovered that Melbourne Victory is gonna play leaders Sydney FC this saturday and hope to make it 4 wins in a row n the good news is that carlos hernandez and ivan berger r available.I got a haircut!Go VICTORY!!!Fuck all the people who fuck with my fuckin head!!!Feels good to come back home!! And for everyones info DUMB is spelt DUMB not DUM as in DUMBfuck not dumfuck!Smile people life is better when u just smile...My life's like Sid's life in wake up sid but a bit exagerated as his dad threw him out of the house n my dad threw me out of the country...I can blabber on for years but i wont coz there's not enough space so Jai Pinky poo Panther and my salutations to the soldier Ratan Pillai who is protectin us at the moment for our enemies so that v can sleep well n wake up grumpy just to read the newspaper n blame the whole war on him!!!I salute u n we are all sorry...