Monday, August 31, 2009

When at a German's house, Do as the Germans Do!!!

Thursday, the 27th of August, was one of the weirdest training sessions i've ever had. And certainly one of the most fun. I know that my friends back home r gonna kill me when they read this coz what the title means is we had our own little Oktoberfest at the end of august i.e. just a month earlier and that too in the middle of the week. To begin with our training was cancelled coz no one showed up n our coach was bored so he said lets just go drink coz we deserve it as we have worked this hard throughout the season. A few minutes later people started showing up but we had made up our minds so no one trained and we all went to the uni pub called 'The Gryph' to get some drinks and relax. But then we all got carried away n drank a lot. I myself had almost 1 1/2 jugs of beer. We were all having fun when the guy at the pub said that they were closing. Thats when our inglourious german basterd, Thomas came up with the idea of "POWERHOUR" the game that guarentees to screw ur head within an hour and if it doesn't then u r a German. So we all headed off to Thomas' place half 'HAPPY'-thats the term we use for tipsy coz tipsy just sounds gay. When we got to his home what we saw was truly a breathtaking scene for all of us at that time. Shit loads of beer just lying around. so what's the game u ask? According to the game Thomas plays a video that has 60 song clips that change every minute and every time when the song changes u have to drink a shot of beer. How bad could a shot of beer be u ask ehh??One shot is nothing but when u have had 60 shots thats equivalent to almost 2 1/2 litres of beer. So we started this seemingly impossible game and went of cheering after every song. When we started we had 17 people but only 4 could make it and i dont kno if i'm proud or ashamed to say that i made it too.Sorry guys but i enjoyed it coz it was with my whole team n it was really good for team morale.So you could say me, Thomas, Jacob and Alberto made a huge sacrifice for the team. When i got home at 12 i was completely 'happy' not 'drunk' i was just 'happy'.But the next day was hell with the worst hangover ever. And on top of that i had to attend school n i didn't get a thing of what the teachers said. But then i realised that i dont get that crap even if i'm not hungover so that cheered me up for a while but the headache kicked the cheers in the nuts and brought bsck that terrible feeling again. So I think I should only take the german road while playing football and not for any other purposes. I know, Poorva, that u r gonna kill me but m sorry i guess there's a little german in all of us! So cherish him before he dies off because low blood alcohol levels.But don't u dare go drinking the german way n never ever try the "powerhour" even with coca cola!Got it?? Sorry I'm just used to putting the "powerhour" in double inverted commas coz it was a legendary where bets were made, heads were shaved and morale was rocketed into outer space. BUT THESE STUNTS WERE PERFORMED BY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS and me. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah! duh! am so ttly gonna kill you once you get here! bum! how could u drink sooooo much!?!??! hhehehehehahahaha...its all okay! u regularly drink n all huh? nice...but dont make it a compulsory habit... alright i'll stop for your post very very entertaining keep em coming i'll have an idea of what you're doing there! heheh...take care...lotsa love! muahz!
